// Lightning style
// There are 5 'styles' of lightning beam, and some give you better visibility.
// Use 4 for a very thin beam, 5 for fat see-through.
// 1 - Default Q3/QL
// 2 - QuakeWorld inspired
// 3 - Team Arena shaft
// 4 - Thin shaft
// 5 - Picmipped shaft
seta cg_lightningStyle "4" // 0 - 5 - 4 is thin beam, 5 is fat but transparent.
// True lightning
// In Q3, the lightning beam wobbled according to ping. In QL, if you're under 55ms ping, it should
// be hitting in a straight line. Even if you're above, the wobble on a value lower than 1 can be
// very distracting, so keeping it straight is helpful.
seta cg_trueLightning "1" // 0.0 - 1 - Keeps straight in line with crosshair
// Rate
// This sets the amount your client updates everything across the network. Higher is
// better for everyone.
seta rate "20000" // 8000 - 25000 - 20000 is adequate, 25000 is max.
// == AUDIO SETTINGS ============================
// Ambient sound
// Ambient sounds are a distraction and just noise amongst fragging mess.
// You should be able to hear footsteps.
seta s_ambient "0" // 0 disables ambient sound
// Kickscale
// After forcemodel, this is the most essential cvar in QL in my opinion.
// It removes the screen shake when you fall or are shot.
seta cg_kickscale "0" // 0 disables screen shake
// Muzzle flash
// When you fire a gun, it has a little flash of light. Disabling this removes some distraction.
seta cg_muzzleFlash "0" // 0 removes the muzzle flashes.
// Weapon smoke
// Several weapons have smoke when you fire them. You can adjust the size of the smoke, or disable it
// to increase your visibility.
seta cg_smokeRadius_GL "0" // Grenade smoke size
seta cg_smokeRadius_RL "0" // Rocket smoke size
seta cg_smokeRadius_NG "0" // Nailgun smoke size
seta cg_smoke_SG "0" // 0 disables shotgun smoke