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 My ub3rl33tpr0 Java Game(Entaglement)

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Posts : 105
Join date : 2010-09-12

My ub3rl33tpr0 Java Game(Entaglement) Empty
PostSubject: My ub3rl33tpr0 Java Game(Entaglement)   My ub3rl33tpr0 Java Game(Entaglement) Icon_minitimeFri May 27, 2011 10:36 am

This is the home screen of the game
My ub3rl33tpr0 Java Game(Entaglement) Light

This is a snapshot from the game itself, the game is almost done, but still to add few stuff like record new high score and such stuff Smile

My ub3rl33tpr0 Java Game(Entaglement) Mygame

When i finish ill post the JAR file ^^
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My ub3rl33tpr0 Java Game(Entaglement)
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